
Corporate culture

What is part of a good corporate culture?

A good corporate culture reflects the principles and values of an organization that have been formed over the years. They are thus the be-all and end-all for real transformation. People strive for more tolerance and responsibility for themselves and their environment.

Leadership plays an important role in a strong corporate culture, which is why we often focus on leadership coaching when we help companies change their culture.

successful company is usually characterized by a positive corporate culture, and the list of examples is almost endless.

But why do some companies succeed better than others? How can you change the existing corporate culture with your company and achieve
ideal corporate culture?

The following questions need to be asked here:

What is part of a good corporate culture?

It is based on factors such as shared
values, attitudes and social norms, which have an influence on the employees of an organization.

characteristics, behaviours, and values result from your company's culture?

The bigger the gap, the more difficult the change will be. Rabl & Hahn transforms global companies in their cultural change.




A purpose is the north star of a company and describes its deeper meaning – the “why”. It is the great common denominator and engine of an organization, far more than lip service.

The purpose requires a sustainable and long-term establishment in the corporate culture.

The Purpose answers the following questions: Why do we exist? What are we needed for? What difference do we want to make in this world?



An OKR working model creates the bridge between the ambitious goals and the operational "doing" of the employees. It defines the concrete results of each individual in order to implement a company's strategy.

This cross-functional cooperation creates transparency, clear tasks, priorities and eliminates secondary theaters of war.

CREDENTIALS Pop-up video German


Values don't just specify how employees behave in order to achieve the mission. They are the foundation on which all forms of entrepreneurial and individual action as well as the basic attitudes of the company are based.

They are therefore attributes that shape the corporate culture both internally and externally.

We offer the strategic conception of values as well as their implementation in training and workshops.

CREDENTIALS Pop-up video German


A culture change begins and ends with the executives and their Leadership. It takes sincere self-reflection, enthusiasm for constant change and only bears fruit if it is lived on a daily basis.

Find out why numerous corporations and hundreds of top managers rely on Leadership coachings from Rabl & Hahn:

We offer Leadership impulse lectures, basic / group seminars and individual coachings.



Many companies use "impulse lectures"  to arise self-reflection and enthusiasm with the Mngt. It addresses the right messages, stimulates reflection, provides orientation and can arouse enthusiasm. A keynote speech can address a wide variety of topics. Here's an example:

Traditional decision-making structures often become the brake block for any innovation. Because in the end it is usually the highest level in the hierarchy that decides. Other voices are nipped in the bud - to the discomfort of the organization and the frustration of the workforce, network partners and suppliers.

True to the motto: "Let data drive decisions, not the highest paid person's opinion", this video is dedicated to executives. Perhaps one or the other will even recognize themselves in it?

CREDENTIALS YouTube Link (German)


A change is supposed to be fun, trigger enthusiasm in the workforce and involve people. Because everyone wants to be an important part of a community.

Key notes help to take people on a journey and pick them up where they are, so that change is actively promoted by as many people as possible.

Here is an example: In this key note, Philipp Hahn speaks about the formative influences of our time and why corporate culture is a key to shaping the future.



Corporate strategy development is the core task of top management in order to move from the current "actual state" to a strategic "target state".

There is no silver bullet for a strategy, because every company has different goals / structures and historical backgrounds - it is therefore tailor-made for every company.

YouTube Link (German)


A holistic cultural strategy takes the needs of all stakeholders into account and includes important influencing factors such as for example different personality types and attitudes or fears. Because everyone "ticks" differently and expects a different approach.

In order to actively involve as many people as possible in the change and to be able to convey fun, it is important to put together the right mix of measures.

YouTube Link


A learning culture is the sum of common social norms and values that affect the actions and attitudes of employees.

However, we can only really "learn" something new if we leave our comfort zone.

Let Philipp Hahn inspire you to leave your comfort zone in this short video.

[Excerpt from German Purpose Booklet]

Data transformation Space BMW Group, data integrity, data hero, data integrity, film, data handling, documentation, handling data, data security, BMW, data-based decisions


Every company collects a lot of data and yet many decisions in companies are made based on gut feelings or ego. What is important is what is decided, not at which level!

Through long-term awareness, information, training and empowerment of employees, managers and employees become data heroes.


Competent support for changes in companies is a complex challenge and goes far beyond people, processes and technologies. It takes employees who drive change across all departments and functions.

In trainings and workshops, these multipliers or change agents learn how to design and fulfill this important role in the best possible way.

change, change management, Purpose, Workshops, Trainings, Agents, internal communication, feedback culture
Purpose Booklet


Open exchange is one of the most important prerequisites for successful cooperation.

Sending feedback alone is not enough. The feedback must be accepted and processed. Just as important is the feedback, i.e. the response to the feedback provider – across all hierarchical levels. The processing of this also needs to be learned.

Change Consulting, Change Consulting Munich, Top 100 Speaker, management consultancy, business consulting, management consultancy Munich, book speaker, generational change, transformation process, ways of working, teamwork, coaching, leadership training, management coaching


We are in the midst of a generational change. Generation M will leave the companies in the next decade.

The generations X, Y, and Z move up. It is important to understand and take into account the needs and working methods of the different generations. Make generational change part of your transformation process.

LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, transformation, transformation process, ways of working, teamwork, coaching, leadership training, management coaching, innovation, diversity
YouTube Link


Heterogeneous teams with a wide variety of backgrounds (well beyond LGBTQ+), which are characterized by diversity, drive innovation, knowledge and a head start.

The individual strengths of the team members make it possible to promote creativity and jointly drive the success of the company forward. Diversity is an important growth factor for any organization.

  • What factors influence corporate culture?

    In today's world, an open and positive corporate culture is becoming increasingly important. When looking for a new employer, applicants pay more and more attention to the values within a company and compare them with their own requirements and ideas.

    In order to be able to do justice to this trend, it is therefore necessary to adapt the prevailing corporate culture and to align it with new current requirements.

    We have summarized for you below what corporate culture means, what actions are important to you and what types there are.

  • How do you describe a corporate culture?

    The term corporate culture (organizational culture) stands for all prevailing values and attitudes that determine actions, behavior and decisions within a company. How a company functions, how the members of the organization communicate and work together with one another and with one another, and which company structures are set up depend on it.

  • Benefits of a suitable corporate culture

    • Optimization of communication channels
    • Improving innovation and adaptability
    • Simplified strategic orientation
    • More pleasant working atmosphere
    • Reduction of the potential for conflict
    • Reputation improvement
    • Increase in productivity

    A corporate culture is characterized by behavior, attitudes and unwritten rules that have been acquired over many years, some of which consciously and some unconsciously influence everyday life in the company.

    We at Rabl & Hahn advise, accompany and support you on the way to a successful corporate culture. We offer the creativity of an agency, the expertise of a management consultancy and the expertise for constant change.

  • Why does change management fail?

    Change projects usually fail because the superiors, CEOs or the management overlook the needs of the employees.

    The workforce of a company in phases of change (such as change management) needs clarity and transparency, honest appreciation and orientation. If your own employees block change projects through ignorance, the project is doomed to failure.

  • What is important for a corporate culture?

    The value system of an organizational culture grows over the years and is shaped by certain factors. Political, social and economic aspects play just as important a role as internal factors and people in a company.

    Since the economy is becoming more and more global and there are rapidly increasing and complex changes, work processes must be increasingly digitized and adapted to digital transformation. Due to constant adjustments, the organizational culture also changes over time.

  • What role do managers play?

    Supervisors and managers always have a role model function that influences the behavior of employees. Company founders in particular have a great influence on how people work in their company, as this founding culture is often supported from the very beginning over many years.

    If work is to be done on the corporate culture, supervisors are also responsible for motivating employees to implement cultural change.

  • What role do employees play?

    On the one hand, the culture shapes the behavior of the employees, on the other hand, it is created by their behavior. If changes in the corporate culture are to be sought, the entire workforce should pull together.The role played by the HR department (Human Resources). The corporate culture cannot ignore human resources – especially in the areas of recruiting and change management. Ideally, recruiting should not only look at the respective qualifications, but also include the cultural fit.

  • What is digital culture?

    A digital culture in a company helps employees become more confident in dealing with new technologies, so that a digital mindset can develop. This promotes innovative thinking and a more flexible approach to digital changes in operational processes. In this way, the employees are motivated and the safe and offensive handling of digitization has a positive effect on the economic success of a company.

  • What types of corporate culture are there?

    There are many different types of organizational cultures, some of which are defined by the founders of a company from the start and some of which emerge as companies tend to hire more people with different skills and experiences. Over time, these different values merge and shape the entire corporate culture.

    Other types of corporate cultures define the organizational and social aspects of a company, others are strictly hierarchical and emphasize control, stability and internal efficiency. They are all types of corporate culture as it reflects the way employees interact and how the company is built to achieve its goals.

    Still other corporate cultures are based on creativity, flexibility and innovation instead of strict organization and efficiency.





Intensiv Coaching, Teamcoaching, Coaching, fundingport, Top 100 Speaker, Speaker buchen
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    Increasingly strict market regulation and the race for patents are having a major impact on the legal, compliance and IP departments of companies, including the Legal, Compliance and IP department (L department) at Knorr- Bremse.

    Together with Rabl & Hahn, L-Ressort wants to reach the "NEXT Level", not only in terms of strategy and profit, but also in terms of corporate behavior.

    The focus of the project is on a comprehensive change/communication concept including rollout as well as the qualification and inspiration of employees.



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    IncThe IoT (Internet of Things), connected devices, predictive maintenance, high quality and fast performing products set the pace. Platform businesses let customers to make purchases directly from the manufacturer. Today’s predatory market forces companies to step up their game.

    Key challenges to consumer electronics manufacturers in the home appliance sector are: Keeping up with the ongoing globalisation of the business, managing processes, innovation development, an increasing scarcity of resources, the ripple effect of global bottlenecks and the increasing demands of the consumers.reasingly strict market regulation and the race for patents are having a major impact on the legal, compliance and IP departments of companies, including the Legal, Compliance and IP department (L department) at Knorr- Bremse.

    Together with Rabl & Hahn, L-Ressort wants to reach the "NEXT Level", not only in terms of strategy and profit, but also in terms of corporate behavior.

    The focus of the project is on a comprehensive change/communication concept including rollout as well as the qualification and inspiration of employees.

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